How to download your Amazon Orders
CSV Files
A CSV file contains all the information PrintDrop needs to process your customer’s orders. The file can be downloaded from Amazon Seller Central. It is worth bookmarking the page once you have found it. On Amazon Seller Central, go to the top menu: Orders > Order Reports > Unshipped Orders > Request Report.
Choose the date range: Last 2 days etc > Request.
It will usually take Amazon 5-15 mins to generate the report, so refresh the report to speed things up.
Amazon will send you a text document containing your unshipped orders.
You will need a spreadsheet program such as the excellent freeware program, LibreOffice Calc or Microsoft Excel to open the file.
We can accept the original text file, but if you wish to remove certain orders, you must edit the file in Libre Office Calc before uploading it to PrintDrop.
To do this: Open Libre Office Calc. File > Open and locate the .txt file which Amazon sent you in your computer’s default Download folder.
In Libre Office Calc You will be presented with an Import dialogue box.
Make sure that you have the following options selected:
Character Set: Select Unicode (UTF-8)
Check the Separated by: Tab box – Check the Merge Delimiters box. Uncheck Space box and click OK.
Once you have edited your csv file, save and name your file with your Amazon Shop Name and upload it to our site here.
PrintDrop will then invoice you for you orders. Once paid, we can start printing your orders. Please pay your invoice within 24 hrs.