How to Download Etsy Orders CSV File

How to download your Etsy Orders

CSV Files

A CSV file contains all the information PrintDrop needs to process your customer’s orders. The file can be downloaded from the downloads section in Etsy. It is worth bookmarking the page once you have found it. On Etsy, go to: Shop Manager > Settings > Options > Download Data.

Scroll down the page to CSV type and choose ‘Order Items‘.

Select the current month and year and click Download CSV.

The file will be downloaded to your computer’s default Downloads folder.

You will need a spreadsheet program such as the excellent freeware program, LibreOffice or Microsoft Excel to open the file.

If you sell multiple products and only want PrintDrop to print your mug orders, remember to delete the rows of orders you do not want us to print.

Once you have edited your csv file, save and name your file with your Etsy ShopName and upload it to our site here.

PrintDrop will then invoice you for you orders. Once paid, we can start printing your orders. Please pay your invoice within 24 hrs.

How do you know what to print?

Your PrintDrop design code must be placed in your listing’s product title for us to link your design and the product to print. So you may need to edit your website listings if you don’t use a similar method yourself.