PrintDrop 12oz Latte Mug Design Template – Digital Download


PrintDrop 12oz Latte Mug Design Template Digital Download.

An Adobe RGB PSD file measuring 240mm x 105mmm at 300ppi for full top to bottom printing onto a 12oz latte coffee mug.

Open file in Photoshop. Fill the entire area. Keep text within the red lines for better print quality. Hide guide layer and flatten all layers. Save as a TIFF or PNG file and check the ICC Adobe RGB 1998 colour space option. Make sure that no PrintDrop guides or instructions are visible in the final saved file.

Give your file a design code. For example: YourShopInitials-LMG-your-file-name etc.

When your design is finished, save it into a zip file and upload it here or send via WeTransfer to

*Please note, that due to the tapered design of latte mugs, some perspective distortion will be present in your design.



Additional Info:

If you already have dozens of latte mug designs and wish to use those instead; you may do so, as long as your file does not measure more than 240mm x 105mm at 300 ppi. Your design must also be saved with the ICC Adobe RGB 1998 profile if colour accuracy is important. If starting from scratch, please use our template. Use RGB mode.


Your design may be rejected, if the content is not of sufficient quality. Please do not use low quality images with pixelated, blurred or jpg artefacts. Do not try to upscale your image if the original file is not large enough.

If scanning your own artwork, please make sure that the background is clean and free from unwanted dust and marks. If converting from CMYK to RGB mode, colour shifts will occur. Check that your blacks and whites are pure.


We do not print designs which infringe on registered trademarks or copyrights. If we feel that your design contains, unauthorized Disney, TV, Film, Game and Sporting characters, and you are unable to produce a licence, your design will be rejected.

Additional information

Print Style

Full Top to Bottom Printing, Standard Printing